Sunday, April 25, 2010

How can I use 2 windows live messenger at the same time?

msn live where I can put a display picture and so on

How can I use 2 windows live messenger at the same time?microsoft works

Have had a look and can't see any post online to say how, but I have a solution if what you want to use is 2 msn accounts on one computer? If this is what you wanted to do then you will need a multi client messanger Pidgen or Trillian my preference is trillian. Now if you open up along side your Msn messanger you have 2 accounts.

How can I use 2 windows live messenger at the same time?windows mobile internet explorerThe websites are listed and even hyperlinked, they hold help files and really its as simple as using Msn, tell the multi client that you have an Msn account and type in username and password as simple as that, hope that helps. Report It

u can't
you cant but you may be able to run two IM clients like msn/pidgin at once try it and see you wont be able to use the same user name though
i can run msn 7.0 and some old msn at the same time and run windows live at the same time ^_^

you cant run 2 at the same time i think.. but you can run 2 different versions
If you download StuffPlug 3 you can open 2 wlm/msn and log on with 2 different users.

Please help me with my windows live messenger?

all today i have been unable to sign in to win live mess and had an error code 8100030d come up, i have tried trouble shooting, contavting customer service but nothing has worked, it is now saying my proxy server settings are invalid, i have no idea what theyre meant to be on. i am with sky broadband. eachtime i try to update it or reinstall it it asks for my email address, mine ends in but it wants a hotmail address ending in .com. so i dont know what to do .if you know what to do. WOW thankyou xx

Please help me with my windows live messenger?replacement windows

the reason why it tells you all that because you don't have a hotmail account you need that kind of account to sign in windows live messenger

so go to than click on sign up not sign in so it will open a page where you can make your account than use that e-mail in windows live messenger and you will Be able to sign in

and you can also go to and type your e-mail adress and password and you will be able to see your e-mail inbox and stuff..

hope i helped

Please help me with my windows live messenger?windows mail internet explorer

yea its is a proxy prob

if ur running an anti spyware/ anti virus/ firewall that monitures programs its probably that

u just have to allow to the program to run by lowering ur security level or making an exception

i had the same prob before but once i did that it worked cas ur anti spyware/anit virus/ or firewall has a proxy that allows or block connections

so review ur level of protection and lower it or create an exception
OK Dee

Or just get a hotmail account

if u need help with that u can email
you can sign up

Help me try to install mess patch for windows live messenger?

okay so im having trouble downloading this, i downloaded it from here:

and it seems to not be working. it opens in winRAR wanting me to extract it, then i do and send it to my removable disk, then i click on it, hit patch messenger, and it says "Mess Patch was not able to locate an installation of Messenger. Please install Messenger properly and try again." So what do i do??

Help me try to install mess patch for windows live messenger?windows explorer

I'm not sure why your mess patch is not installing. However, I recently installed the messenger patch from the following site and it worked perfectly-

It opens on a winRAR file as well. It extracted immediately and allowed me to perform my required action within less than a minute.

Is there a way to combine Windows Live Messenger history?

I downloaded messenger a few times, and every time it chose a different default folder to save histories. I want to combine these to only a single folder, but cannot do so currently (as there are a bunch with the same file name). Is there a way to combine the history archives from several files into 1 file with all history with that user?


Is there a way to combine Windows Live Messenger history?windows media player 10


I don't think so

but you can chose the folder where you want MSN tu store your convos



messages..change it there

when using PLUS

you can chose btwn several ways storing history

I hope I helped











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Is there a way to combine Windows Live Messenger history?microsoft net internet explorer


What is wrong with Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger today??

[Sorry for posting this in the "Yahoo! Messenger" section-I guess this is true desperation...]

I can't sign in to any of them:( When I go to the Hotmail site it says the server is unavailable sometimes,other times I try to sign in but then the "server is unavailable" thing comes up again. WLM just won't allow me to sign in

Please help me if you know any information at all pertaining to this. Thanks!!!!

What is wrong with Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger today??microsoft live

Yes this is happening to everyone but it is currently working for me

Cannot sign in to live messenger through windows xp proffesional?

Hi Rabbit im having the same problem as felix, you say is it a 32 bit comp when windows live requirs 64? how do we fix this other then buying a new comp! lol would be grateful for any answers! thanks :)

Cannot sign in to live messenger through windows xp proffesional?windows server 2003

go to this link to enable signing in through your firewall

click on the support tab and if you have an error code you can search for it

add it to your favourites

if the link doesnt work paste the three lines into your browser as one line



Is there a script for MSN...Windows Live Messenger that shows me the people who are just on 'ap

I have messenger Plus and everything, I'm just wondering if there's a way to do it, because I have some people on my list who love to talk 2 me on appear offline and it kinda bothers me. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Is there a script for MSN...Windows Live Messenger that shows me the people who are just on 'appear offline'?microsoft exchange

geez erika stop stalkin people...they're appearing offline to avoid u, duh! wow..mmmmm m%26amp;m's..

ps. im screwed for eng!!

Is there a script for MSN...Windows Live Messenger that shows me the people who are just on 'appear offline'?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

Nope. Perhaps they want to be left alone.

How do you turn on the windows live messenger show what I'm listening to plug in on with music-

Im looking to find a way to show what im listneing to on msn messenger with the Yahoo! musicmatch jukebox Free Edition

How do you turn on the windows live messenger show what I'm listening to plug in on with music-match jukebox?windows xp pro

First make sure you have the Msn Messenger (or Windows Live Messenger) options set up to display what music you are listening to (hint: Tools, Options, Personal). Play music on Windows Media Player and that should show up on the main Messenger window. Once you have that working, now you need to add a plug-in to Yahoo Music Jukebox (sorry, no support for the old Music Match Jukebox):

To verify that the plug-in installed correctly:

Under YMJ, click Edit-%26gt;Preferences-%26gt;Plugin Settings and the plugin should show. And it would be really nice to show some appreciation by providing feedback. I don't need any points (I have plenty), but I have almost given up on answering peoples questions.


Added: Also under YMJ, click Edit-%26gt;Preferences-%26gt;Messenger Music

Make sure you have checked the last box for listening to Yahoo music to show the artist and track.

I accidentally clicked "do not show display pic" on windows live messenger, how to show my

but the messenger itself looks normal, i can see my own and other's pics. i checked the setting on "tools-options" and checked the box saying "show my display picture and allow others to see it" but i still cant find my display pic and person im talking to's pic in conversation window.

I accidentally clicked "do not show display pic" on windows live messenger, how to show my display pic back?microsoft templates

In that case in the window where your talking to the other contact, there should be an arrow (it should be where the display picture of the the other contact your talking to that is now missing.) click the arrow and it should fix.

if not make sure that when you went to Tools, Options and checked the box that says "show my display picture and allow others to see it" make sure you click apply and okay.

ive done the mistake of not pressing apply and it didint work, but then i realized why.

if that dosnt fix it perhaps search your question on google.


hope i was of assistance.

I accidentally clicked "do not show display pic" on windows live messenger, how to show my display pic back?windows firewall internet explorer

Heyy! =] Don't worry, I had the same problem, anyways just start a conversation with ANYONE, and at the top RIGHT hand corner of the conversation window, there should be an arrow like this "%26gt;" click it.

And your picture and your friend's should appear.

Hope this helped =]
on windows live messenger, go to - Tools.....Options..... Personal. under My Display Picture check the box Show my display picture and allow others to see it

i hope this helped u

What is the best webcam recorder for Windows Live Messenger?

I need two suggestions. One for a free programme and one that you must pay in order to get it. cheers.

PS: It would be even better If it was also compatible with Yahoo Messenger too.

What is the best webcam recorder for Windows Live Messenger?nintendo ds browser

Camstudio works fairly well for recording any live video chat and is free:

I typically use either SnagIt or Camtasia, which are not free but are both great tools for recording screen video:

Computer restarts by itself when I log into Windows Live Messenger...?

At my folks house they have a computer.

When I log into MSN Messenger... quite often it will let me chat for a couple of minutes before freezing and then re-booting itself.

It does not do this when my mum or dad log onto the same MSN Messenger.

Why does it only do it to ME? I feel so victimised haha.

The computer has Avast Antivirus.

Computer restarts by itself when I log into Windows Live Messenger...?windows mobile

Do a free online scan you may have a worm:

How do I change the language in Windows Live Messenger?

I have just downloaded the English version (Hong Kong) of WLM. Although the main menus are in English, the help support section and other windows are all in Chinese. How do I get them to appear in English?

How do I change the language in Windows Live Messenger?microsoft zune

when you download it make sure it's in English (US) or any kind of English you want

How do I send nudges without delay on Windows Live Messenger? (aka MSN Messenger).?

I've seen some folks send nudges one after another without the usual delay MSN messenger forces upon you. When I ask how they do that, they said "MSN patch" and stayed quiet. How can I get MSN patch?

How do I send nudges without delay on Windows Live Messenger? (aka MSN Messenger).?microsoft net

i dont know about the msn patch, but try this

its called Nudge Mania, my friend uses it to send unlimited nudges, easy to setup

warning: dont overuse it, or u might piss ur friends off, hahaha

How do I send nudges without delay on Windows Live Messenger? (aka MSN Messenger).?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer
hey i had it before i dont have it any more sorry but maybe you can find it on this website
Msn Multi Patch sites

How can i add frnds in msn windows live messenger?

as in yahoo we have chatting rooms frm there we find ppl to add .Likewise is there ne place in msn messenger to add frnds

How can i add frnds in msn windows live messenger?windows xp sp2

Add Windows Live friends to your contact list by clicking the “Add Contact” button – the same way you’ve always added friends to your contact list. To start IMing, your Windows Live friend must accept your invitation. Also, they must be using the latest version of Windows Live? Messenger. If your IM detects a need for them to upgrade, your invitation will automatically include a link for them to download the latest version of Windows Live? Messenger

How can i add frnds in msn windows live messenger?microsoft sql server internet explorer

Very Simple.

Visit Msn spaces and you can find new people. You do need a Windows Live Passport to add friends however.

Here is the link:
click on "Contacts" next to "File" menu on top - and the first option will be "Add a contact" -

then a window will pop up and you will have to type in their email address.

good luck
There is like a box with an arrow in it next to the minimise and stuff click on it then go to contacts
go 2 live spaces
click on tis + button which is at top right, it means add contact.

How do I get rid of this Windows Live Messenger virus?

I opened a zip file a contact sent me, and now my contacts tell me that they keep receiving similar messages and files from me. I've scanned with Norton twice but it doesn't show anything, I used superantispyware, I uninstalled and upgraded my version of messenger, I used system restore to set my computer back to before I had this virus, I went on the system configuration to check off the .exe file but it wasn't there ..... is there a way to remove the virus? PLEASE help me!!!!

How do I get rid of this Windows Live Messenger virus?microsoft internet explorer

Norton isn't what it used to be.Try downloading AVG antivirus

and spybot search and destroy.they are both free and updated on a regular basis and work great

How can i make a messenger plus skin to use on windows live messenger?

I would really appreciate some instructions on how to make a skin for messenger plus or some software where i can easily make a skin. I have just finished reading the document on the msgplus skin website but it didn't tell me what software i need to use and instructions to make a skin. Please help. Please don't answer this question telling me about the document for skins.

How can i make a messenger plus skin to use on windows live messenger?windows xp service

sorry, cant help u

Why won't my Yahoo Messenger work? I ad to istall Windows Live Messenger so I could talk to my

I keep getting error messages when I try to use Yahoo! Messenger. Please respond.

Why won't my Yahoo Messenger work? I ad to istall Windows Live Messenger so I could talk to my family.?windows vista ultimate

lol, please mention what type of error message s you have?

How can I stop windows live msn messenger popups on my screen?

This keeps appearing on my monitor.

How can I stop this spam?

System: A user on Windows Live? (MSN) Messenger wants to add you to his or her Messenger List. To start sharing instant messages, you'll first need to sign up for the Yahoo! Messenger Beta program at

How can I stop windows live msn messenger popups on my screen?microsoft net framework

To be very sincere you can't

How can I stop windows live msn messenger popups on my screen?windows xp themes internet explorer

i dont think its possible for it to stop lol try to find a way
Has someone figured out how to stop this annoying pop up??? I even upgraded my yahoo msg'r software to the current version.. but nothing.... HELP!!

Will my laptop get a virus if i download windows live messenger from

same for yahoo messenger from

Will my laptop get a virus if i download windows live messenger from firewall

No since you download it from legitimate %26amp; widely known source

Will my laptop get a virus if i download windows live messenger from frontpage internet explorer

i doubt it, because MSN and Yahoo would probably be a trustworthy site!

Good luck!
I doubt it because MSN and Yahoo! would probably be a trustworthy site!

Good Luck!
No, the download comes from a safe source
no but its better from google....


Have a Good Day!


Nope, I'm on my laptop right now and I always download the latest msn versions and I haven't got a virus yet.
Why would you get virus if you download software from the manufacturers websites? Particularly from these 2 well known %26amp; reliable companies?
if u download it from

!!!!!!!!!!!!!OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when in doubt ask the source, if they don't give you the answer or gaurentee, then use your common sense.

How do you get your song to show on windows live messenger?

i have msn and yahoo, and when im online i listen to music. and you can get the music to show in your status. but i thought it only works if you have the newest version of windows player, not itunes. all of my friends use itunes not windows. how do i get it to work?

How do you get your song to show on windows live messenger?windows 98

Under your screen name, where it says "Type in a personal message", click the down-arrow at the right hand side. There should be an option that says "Turn on 'What I'm Listening To'". This has always worked for me, whether I'm using iTunes or Windows Media.

Icons (like hearts and things) NOT SMILEYS for windows live messenger???

links of sites would be good I DO NOT WANT SMILEYS!!! things like hearts and stuff and words i dunno how 2 put it on the messenger

Icons (like hearts and things) NOT SMILEYS for windows live messenger???windows xp home

i think ur looking for love icons and emoticons, not smileys....

all work for msn and live messenger

How can you chat with people on the windows live messenger if they are not in your contact list?

please if you answer my question guide me from how to go to the msn messenger and sign inand where to click to and chat with people. your answer will be highly appricieted!

How can you chat with people on the windows live messenger if they are not in your contact list?

In the contact search text field at the top of your Messenger window, type their full MSN or Hotmail email address, then click the Instant Message option in the menu. That will bring up an IM window with them.

Note at this point, both you and the other person need to be a part of the betea program for it to work. Sign up here to be a part of the MSN/Yahoo! beta program:

How can you chat with people on the windows live messenger if they are not in your contact list?microsoft windows xp internet explorer

You cannot. You need to add them as a friend first.

How do you use a e-mail on windows live messenger that is not a hotmail e-mail address?

i have people on my messenger that do not have a hotmail address they have inbox,gmail, and yahoo and i want to change mine but im not sure how so if you know plz tell me.

How do you use a e-mail on windows live messenger that is not a hotmail e-mail address?microsoft maps

You can't do that in windows msgr. You can use windows live mail id in yahoo msgr.

I have a problem with my windows title bars, on certain programs like windows live messenger, cant r

So basicly how do you reset your windows title bars? I know its hard to understand what I mean, bit of a retard at explain, but please can you help. Thankyou!! :)

Can i still see my contacts who use Windows Live Messenger with the new Yahoo Chat?

Or do i need to use Yahoo messenger for that?

Can i still see my contacts who use Windows Live Messenger with the new Yahoo Chat?microsoft flight simulator

Which "new" Yahoo! Chat are you talking about?

If you mean the new Yahoo! Messenger for the web, yes you can use your Windows Live Messenger contacts with that.

Update: Yes, you can because it's not new, it's Yahoo! Messenger integrated into your Yahoo! Mail.

I cant sign in my using Windows live messenger...can u help me?

and every time i sign-in it gives me a note saying that there is an Error code:81000306....what can i do plz help...i cant live without my msn :'(

I cant sign in my using Windows live messenger...can u help me?microsoft sql server

Error code 81000306 usually occurs when there is a problem with the .NET Messenger service. one or more of the servers providing it might be down or having problems, with as result that you can no longer sign in. This normally won't take longer then a few minutes/hours.

I cant sign in my using Windows live messenger...can u help me?windows themes internet explorer

That used to happen to me. I uninstalled, and reinstalled. Everything was fine after that. :] If you don't want to do that, though, just try turning off your computer for a little while.
configure your firewall/anti virus to allow msn connection to the internet.
You may not be able to sign in because of one of several problems, such as your proxy settings, the DNS cache, or a firewall (A security feature designed to help protect a computer from unauthorized external access. It can be hardware, software, or both.) and do the following things...

1.Start Messenger.

On the Tools menu, click Options.

Under Connection, click Advanced Settings.

Under SOCKS, delete the entries.

Click OK, and then click OK again.

2On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Run.

Type cmd, and then click OK.

At the command prompt, type ipconfig/flushdns, and then press ENTER

and try to login if it won't work try

Check your firewall settings:

Go to the MSN Web Messenger website.

Click Start MSN Web Messenger, and then try to sign in.

If you can sign in to MSN Web Messenger, but Windows Live Messenger still can't access the Internet, Windows Live Messenger may be blocked by a firewall. You may need to add MSNmsgr.exe to your firewall's allow list. See your firewall's documentation or website for more information on how to add MSNmsgr.exe to your allow list.

A dial-up connection may be timing out. Wait a few minutes, and then try to sign in again.

If your computer is part of a corporate network, contact your network administrator to make sure that the network allows access to the Messenger service.

Make sure your antivirus or antispyware programs don't conflict with Messenger.

and add me at yous id and mail once its iam a computer engineer.

How do i get windows live messenger,windows live sign in assisst off my computer? i wont give me a r

Go to Add/Remove programs, and on the left pane, there should be an add/remove windows components. You should find it there.

How do i get windows live messenger,windows live sign in assisst off my computer? i wont give me a remove downloads

Welcome to the painfully obnoxious world of Windows.

How do i get windows live messenger,windows live sign in assisst off my computer? i wont give me a remove word 2003 internet explorer

You can't remove them. They are part of the operating system itself. The only way you can remove them is to uninstall windows. Just ignore them, it's not like they take up too much space.

My Computer Shuts Down Right After It Starts Downloading 'Windows Live Messenger'?

I don't really know why but the minute I click on the download button it start closing my windows and shut down the system.

My Computer Shuts Down Right After It Starts Downloading 'Windows Live Messenger'?microsoft xp

Maybe it's spyware?

Here is a free online virus/spyware scan:

Run one of those and delete all viruses and spyware it finds.

and then reboot.

Why can't I hier any one on by windows live messenger?

I called HP support they told me it was a software problem whenever anyone calls me on my messenger I can't hear them can any one help meet solve this problem with my computer thank you

Why can't I hier any one on by windows live messenger?default browser

You could try reinstalling windows live messenger

Is there a way I can sign into my Windows Live Messenger account on a Mac computer?

I'm staying at someone else's house right now and they have a mac computer, so naturally they don't have MSN Messenger installed. Is there somewhere I can go online or something, and sign in? I'd really like to be able to since I'm going to be here for about 3 weeks.


Is there a way I can sign into my Windows Live Messenger account on a Mac computer?windows xp themes

Don't listen to the other 2. A quick site will allow you to sign-in and go to your IM account:

No downloads or anything. Real good. Just sign-in at the 4th block.

You're welcome! Thanks for reading. I forgot to tell you it's a bit scaled down, so it won't work the same. I happen to be a big Windows Live Messenger user (I love WLM!), and I'm here to help. If you need anything, give me an e-mail. And don't forget to pick me as best answer.

Is there a way I can sign into my Windows Live Messenger account on a Mac computer?download windows media player internet explorerYou're welcome. You can tell anybody that site. I'm quite sure people would like to know about it. Report It

go to (Microsoft's Mac page) and download MSN Messenger.
Yes, you can sign in into Windows live, if you have a (windows live) cd, you install it on to your computer go into account sign-in details you need a password to set-up program then follow the instructions.
There is a Mac version here:

What CAN I do to remove the virus affecting Windows Live Messenger???

i have installed AVG Free Anti-Virus and the latest Ad-Aware '07 Free far,, i have removed any present trojans but i'm still worried about the main "virus" lurking within the system..........HELP! PLEASE.....besides reformatting (last resort)

my bad...i opened up a file saying 'photo album' in one of the conversation windows....if anyone knows how to get rid of this biggy problem,, pleaaase...share - my dad's going to murder me...

What CAN I do to remove the virus affecting Windows Live Messenger???microsoft frontpage

Download Superantispyware as well. Check for updates then boot into Safe Mode and run it as well as your AVG and Adaware again.


To get into Safe Mode, reboot and then either hold down or tap the F8 key repeatedly while the computer is starting up.

Once you have things cleaned up, clear out old system restore points. Malware may still be lurking in your system restore volumes so it would be in your best interests to disable system restore, reboot then re-enable system restore when you log back on. What this does is protects you from reloading the malware should you ever need to do a system restore.

Many anti-virus products cannot remove viruses from system restore thus the reason for clearing out possible infected points. For reference to this, see the link below:

There are several ways to disable system restore but the easiest is to go to Control Panel, System, System Restore tab and tick the box to "Turn off system restore on all drives", click Apply, click OK and reboot. Follow the same steps when you log back on to re-enable system restore by removing the tickmark.

For reasons System Restore should disabled and re-enabled after and not before malware removal, see the webpage below:

How to show what song im playing on WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?

anybody got any idea..i did search over here..and some said to "click on the arrow next to your personal message and click on "Show what i'm listening to" i did and there is a check mark...i have the latest version of WLM and lastest version of WMP

so .....and one more thing i dont wanna use itunes

just windows media player

How to show what song im playing on WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?microsoft support

In addition to the previous answer you will have to turn on the relevant Media Player plug in. Do this by goin gto Now Playing - Plug ins - Other - Windows Live Messenger plug in

How to show what song im playing on WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?windows live mail internet explorerOpen up windows media player%26gt;Go to tools%26gt;Select Plug ins%26gt;tick the Windows Live Messenger Plug in!...And it should work! Hope that helped! :D Report It

Open up MSN Messenger.

Go to Tools ----%26gt;Options -------%26gt;Click the "Personal" tab

Proceed to click and check the box that says : "Show what I'm listening to through Windows Media Player".

Why is it that when I download the latesr windows live messenger, my pc starts to run slower and slo

I am running windows 2000 xp, with IE7, thank you.

Why is it that when I download the latesr windows live messenger, my pc starts to run slower and slower?microsoft visual studio

You should defrag your system (esp. on 2000 XP)

Go to Start %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Accesories %26gt; System Tools %26gt; Disk Defragmenter

That should remove unnecessary breakdowns in XP 2000.

I also suggest installing IE7 Pro, an add-on that enhances IE7 with features like inline spell check, adBlocker, Tab History, and much more. It's free, and I've had no problems with it.

"Show What I'm Listening To" Isn't Working on Windows Live Messenger Plus!?

I've fiddled around with the options and preferences but still, even tho the "Show What I'm Listening To" is ticked, and iTunes is running and playing...the music title and artist is still not showing on Messenger! Any help????

"Show What I'm Listening To" Isn't Working on Windows Live Messenger Plus!?microsoft windows xp

Go to Windows Media Player, click on now playing, go to plug-ins, go to other then click Windows Live Messenger music plugin.

Is there a program that can resemble iChat but uses windows live messenger addresses?

i am trying to turn my PC into a mac and i want a messenger that i can put my msn address in and it would look exactly like iChat.

Is there a program that can resemble iChat but uses windows live messenger addresses?windows registry

Get a mac mini.

How Can I Install and Run My "Built-In" HP Webcam With Windows Live Messenger?

I am having problems running the HP built-in webcam. Any help available would be appreciated!

i have an HP Pavillion dv2000 and am running windows vista.

Thanks In Advance!


How Can I Install and Run My "Built-In" HP Webcam With Windows Live Messenger?windows 95

Go to HP's website and download the latest drivers for your EXACT dv2000 model. dv2000 is just the series. Look under it for the exact model.

In Windows Live Messenger, it's under Tools in the File menu, Webcam Setup.

How Can I Install and Run My "Built-In" HP Webcam With Windows Live Messenger?download ie internet explorer

had a similar problem. call HP and they will walk you thru the process. Window Vista is very hard to adapt to when so used to using windows xp. good luck.

Is there a setting on MSN Messenger(Windows Live Messenger)to keep your contacts from seeing you hav

I am trying to figure out how to hide to hide the webcam sign from my contacts. I have a laptop so I can't just unhook it. Help please?

Is there a setting on MSN Messenger(Windows Live Messenger)to keep your contacts from seeing you have a webcamwindows 2000

Ofcourse:) Go Into options, as if changing your display name and there is a little box you can check to make it so others can't see you have a cam:) easy:)

How do i save my messages on my msn or yahoo windows live messenger .?

i mean if sumbody use my computer and using messenger

how do check and save those messages or conversations . please answer as soon as possible this is really imp. and emergency

How do i save my messages on my msn or yahoo windows live messenger .?windows themes

In msn click Tools %26gt; Options %26gt; Messages %26gt; Message History and tick 'Automatically Keep a History of my conversations' box %26gt; Apply %26gt; Ok

ETA: You must click Tools it is on the toolbar at the top of the screen %26gt; options is on the list that falls down from tools when you click it.

How do i save my messages on my msn or yahoo windows live messenger .?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

In Yahoo go to:

Go to ' Messenger ' Option %26gt; then go to ' Preference ' %26gt; then go to ' Archives ' %26gt; and then select your desired option.
On yr Windows Live Messenger - click on the black arrow on yr Display Name - select Options - click on Messengers - check the box under Messenge History to select "Automatically Keep a History of this Conversations" - click Apply and click Ok.

Hope this helps..
search and download messenger plus. then go to settings of the messenger plus and you can even set a password to open the chat logs. you can also do other stuff with messenger plus. hope that helped^^

Help! Every few minutes, I keep getting automatically disconnected from my Windows Live Messenger...

My internect connection doesnt disconnect, just my instant messenger.......

Help! Every few minutes, I keep getting automatically disconnected from my Windows Live Messenger...why?microsoft word 2003

it has somethin to do with a file within your messenger program files, it kept happening to me all the time so i contacted the windows live team and they gave me step by step instructions on how to delete this file. it was corrupted or something?!

other than that it how much RAM does ur system have? my friend only has 256Mb and if he opens more than 4 windows at any 1 time all the windows start to not respond, then he will automatically be disconnected from windows live!

Check your firewall settings, although if Im isnt allowed u shudnt b able to sign in atall! so i would disregard that issue.

below is a link to msn support, like i said mine did it all the time but ever since i have had no trouble with it atall so good luck, hope this has helped!

other than that i have absolutely no idea sorry...

Help! Every few minutes, I keep getting automatically disconnected from my Windows Live Messenger...why?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

This might happen as i no alot about computers.Since you are chatting to people through windows live ur internet speed might not work so well so try using MSN messenger works for me no problem. Hope i helped ya.
your employer might not want you to waste the time on speaking with friends...
Gah, I've had this happen to me!

Sometimes, even if your internet appears to be running fine, it can be a problem with the internet. Get someone in to look at it.

If you're sure that isn't the problem, then msn is probably having a few difficulties and all you can do is wait...

Can people from hotmail interact with yahoo people with out having windows live messenger?

I also have hotmail can I talk with them on my yahoo messenger?

Can people from hotmail interact with yahoo people with out having windows live messenger?download windows xp

Yes, you can use Trillian, which is available for free. Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC.

Why is my new HP laptop integrated webcam not compatible with Windows Live Messenger?

Why has Microsoft not fixed messenger to be compatible with YUY2 color space/compression?

Why is my new HP laptop integrated webcam not compatible with Windows Live Messenger?microsoft word download

The problem is not with Microsoft, it's with hp.

Why is my new HP laptop integrated webcam not compatible with Windows Live Messenger?internet explorer download internet explorer

As much as I like to blame Microsoft for problems, this isn't a Microsoft issue, it's HP picking a non-compatible camera. Dig around the web, there's probably a work around available that will make your webcam work.
better question why is HP building in camaeras that dont match the specs of the programs that wil MOST LIKELY use them?

Why i can't show what i'm listening to in windows live messenger?

i'm using vista and windows media player, but still cannot show what i'm listening to..

Why i can't show what i'm listening to in windows live messenger?download windows media player

Use itunes

How do i upgrade my windows messenger 4.7 to windows live?

i have windows messenger 4.7 and i want to upgrade it from 4.7 to the newer version which i believe is windows live

How do i upgrade my windows messenger 4.7 to windows live?windows vista home premium

Try downloading from this site:

How do i upgrade my windows messenger 4.7 to windows live?ie tab internet explorer

just download windows live....--"

Is there still problem in connecting Yahoo with Windows Live MSN Messenger?

I tried to connect one of my friend using Windows Live MSN Messenger. My friend told me that, MSN hot not yet rolled out this service? but Why Yahoo is saying that, Yahoo can connect with Windows Live MSN?

Is there still problem in connecting Yahoo with Windows Live MSN Messenger?

It's working for me. Make sure both you and your MSN friends are signed up for the beta first:

Installing WIndows Messenger Live. . .says I have to log in as administrator, need help?

I installed MSN Live on the 'administrator', (I'm on a shared computer.) so I went back to my thing on Windows XP and it still says the same thing. How can I install it on my thing?

Installing WIndows Messenger Live. . .says I have to log in as administrator, need help?ie

Not sure but try downloading the newest version:

Hope ya solve it, m8. :D

Is anyone else liking IE7, Windows Media Player 11 Beta, Windows Live messenger , Windows Live,or is

Yea I do!

Is anyone else liking IE7, Windows Media Player 11 Beta, Windows Live messenger , Windows Live,or is it me???ie 7

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Is anyone else liking IE7, Windows Media Player 11 Beta, Windows Live messenger , Windows Live,or is it me???ireland internet explorer

IE 7 messes up alot

Media player 11 takes to long to load
i have all

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