Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why can't i acccess to all microsoft related things? That includes Windows update and Windows L

I can't access to all Microsoft related things...I can access to all other webs expect Microsoft related things! My OS is a Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit) and what should I do to solve this problem. Please help!

Why can't i acccess to all microsoft related things? That includes Windows update and Windows Live messengerie 6

Provided that your OS is legal, contact Microsoft. It very well be a glitch being that Vista is so new.

How do i accept a request to be added to someones contacts in Windows Live Messenger?

i just finished downloading the new messenger and when i opened it i had a pending request. I want to add them to my contacts list

How do i accept a request to be added to someones contacts in Windows Live Messenger?download ie

I just clicked on OK OR ACCEPT!

Hello any 1 got any ideas why this comes up when i open windows live messenger?

Messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello any 1 got any ideas why this comes up when i open windows live messenger?internet explorer

The program may have become corrupt. I suggest you reinstall it.

Hello any 1 got any ideas why this comes up when i open windows live messenger?microsoft office internet explorer

Does it happen all the time? Myabe it is a problem with your computer?
dont know but it happens to me all the time i just restart my computer

What causes an additional message screen for the same person to open in windows live messenger?

While chatting on the IM an additional chat screen with her same name came up and part of her conversation was on it. It then had a message from windows to add contact because she is not on my allow list, then I was no longer able to IM her. I've never had this happen before, and she's been on my contact list for two years.

What causes an additional message screen for the same person to open in windows live messenger?internet explorer 7

Either you or her have put the other one on ignore. Check your ignore/allow list to see if you have added her.

What does c:\program files\windows live\messenger\msnmsgr.exe mean?

My spyware detected a "malicious threat" to my comp and i chose to destroy it. When i looked it up in the history section it said "keylogger guard has detected the following keylogger program recording your keystrokes: c:\program files\windows live\messenger\msnmsgr.exe." What does that mean?? I hope i didn't almost get a keylogger on my comp or msn!

What does c:\program files\windows live\messenger\msnmsgr.exe mean?internet explorer 6

Because Messengers look for keystrokes sometimes security programs get it wrong.

Most messenger look for keystrokes to post the "Busy" or "Away From PC" notes to buddys in your list.

If no keys pressed it sticks up a notice. e,g. it's keylogging

Have you got full PC security ?

Have a read of my website on security.

What you need, Why You need it, Where to get it, All Free

What does c:\program files\windows live\messenger\msnmsgr.exe mean?windows live internet explorer

Read this.
It appears your original hypothesis was correct, you do have a keylogger operating within Windows Live Messenger. You will need to use your antivirus software and eradicate the keylogger.

If you need further assistance, visit, and file a trouble ticket.
This is just a part of windows Live Messenger and your keylogger guard has just detected it and is assuming that it is some sort of malware.

Click on the link in the first answer.

Is there a way I can receive e-mails from a BTYahoo! e-mail address via Windows Live Messenger 8.0?

i.e When I am in the middle of a conversation, or logged on to Messenger.

Is there a way I can receive e-mails from a BTYahoo! e-mail address via Windows Live Messenger 8.0?ies

I am not sure i fully understand your question but you cannot receive email via messenger. Email only will go to an email address.

I hope that answered your question

Is there a way to password protect your email even if you are already signed in on Windows Live Mess

At the moment all I have to do is press the envelope at the top of my messenger screen but I would prefer if I had to type in a password after clicking the envelope. Any help?

Is there a way to password protect your email even if you are already signed in on Windows Live Messenger?internet explorer download

i just spent a couple hours looking for info on this (which i find preferable to actually installing wlm, yecch!), and i couldn't find anything that was real clear, but i did see references to the ability to add email accounts to wlm, which implies that there is an email configuration section in wlm, and if so then you can hopefully remove your email from wlm configuration. you'll have to test to see if that does what you want. i think there's a good chance that this will also disable any new email notifications. perhaps you could use some other program like outlook express to let you know if you have new email waiting.

good luck :)

What is the most recent news as of May2006,about Yahoo Messenger & Windows live Messenger joinin

It is currently in progress and should be done by the end of the year.

What is the most recent news as of May2006,about Yahoo Messenger %26amp; Windows live Messenger joining together?internet explorer update

no news yet, just waiting to the merge.

Windows live messenger, yahoo messenger, and habbohotel not loading!?

i think it's a virous or a space issue, but like symantec antivirous and all the others wont load... help!!

Windows live messenger, yahoo messenger, and habbohotel not loading!?uninstall internet explorer

could be virus, could be memory, could be registry. many many things. better let a professional take a look.

IT pro - 6 years

Windows live messenger, yahoo messenger, and habbohotel not loading!? internet explorer

The worse Anti Virus software is Symantec. You must install a good anti virus (such as AVG, AVAST) in ur PC. When u install one of these anti viruses then scan ur system. If it couldn't solve the problem. Then uninstall all the messengers including its all tools and reinstall them in ur PC.
habbo is for noobs YOU should get SecondLife ( when you're under 18 you get to be in the "teen world" and when you're 18 you get tossed out with all the freaks. I wish I'd have found SL when I was a teen! (I got mine when I was 20, lol)
maybe virus!

consult a computer engineer!? joking!:)

Windows Live Messenger nor Yahoo Messenger are working!!?

I've tried disabling my firewall (the one I know of), but I think something else is blocking it. I'm not sure how to check for any other firewalls or whatever may be blocking it....any suggestions?

Windows Live Messenger nor Yahoo Messenger are working!!?microsoft

check internet connection?

Norton Anti Virus?

hm... Uninstall and reinstall the program?

Windows Live Messenger nor Yahoo Messenger are working!!?microsoft access internet explorer

your internet may have some blocks on it to restrict you from going into certian sites try this go to your web browser and click on tools then click on internet options then click on content there you will see content adviser click on disable now if there is a pass word you will have to know it . simply put in your pass word and click ok and then try signing in on yahoo and live mesenger .otherwise the fire wall you may not be aware of is in windows go to your control panal and click on windows fire wall and disable it . other wise if you have any other securty firewalls you may try to disable them temp. i hope this helps other then that im lost sorry

Windows Live messenger, no text visible in chat window.?

I can not see any chat text, mine outgoing, or chat partner incoming. I can see nudges and winks just no text. I have changed the colors. I have reset the scripting. help?

Windows Live messenger, no text visible in chat window.?ireland

I would suggest removing and reinstalling the software.

Windows Live messenger, no text visible in chat window.?microsoft outlook internet explorer

I agree with bljzzgirl .. uninstall Messenger completely ... and install a fresh new one from Microsoft website:

Windows live messenger voice clip help? any way to replay them?

if some1 sends you a voice clip, is there anyway to listen to it once you've closed the box? no message history btw either

Windows live messenger or yahoo messenger?

small poll

Windows live messenger or yahoo messenger?windows media player

yahoo messenger

Windows live messenger or yahoo messenger?windows live messenger internet explorer

YAHOO! of course
yahoo messenger!

Windows live messenger locked!?

I just did the lock shortcut thing, and I didn't read the little window that popped up, how do I unlock it??

Windows live messenger locked!?microsoft office

I don't know but, good luck

Windows Live Messenger virus?

i dont have it and i dont want want to get this nasty a.. Virus that goes into your window's and hides . what a *sneek~e* one it is too ! my friends (a few) has this bug, and can't get rid of it , the scann will pick it up and hold it, but as soon as you logg back on , it's back and even worst ! how can wipe this virus out of your computer ? with out costing a arm and a leg for a tec ? and recieving and opening the files from someone who has this , is that the only way you can't get this virus?

Windows Live Messenger virus?microsoft word

we got this virus and the only way that I found to get rid of it was to go into CONTROL PANEL... into.. ADD AND REMOVE PROGRAM FILES....... and delete WINDOWS INSTALLER and MESSENGER... and then have to re-download messenger. An anti-virus will not find it and this was the only way to get rid of it without a total reformat

Windows Live Messenger virus?windows movie maker internet explorer

Just another reason to upgrade to Ubuntu!

Free and and you'll never get a Windows virus again.
Ask them to try removing the malware by running their antivirus and antispyware applications while in Safe Mode. To get into Safe Mode, reboot and then either hold down or tap the F8 key repeatedly while the computer is starting up.

Regarding how the malware proliferates, it can sent in the form of an attachment (pictures, files) or it could be a malicious link so confirm with your contacts that they actually did send it before opening and always scan in advance.

Many people don't have antispyware applications so here are some free ones for your consideration.


Spybot S%26amp;D (free version requires manual updating)

AVG AntiSpyware

Adaware from Lavasoft (free version requires automatic updating)

(These programs can be run in Safe Mode after installation and updating)
? See if your anti-virus can clean/remove the virus. You should update your anti-virus then restart your computer in safe mode (tap F8 at start up) then run a scan.

? Open the registry editor (Start---%26gt;Run---%26gt;type regedit---%26gt;edit---%26gt;find) type in value name of the virus and delete it.

I had a similar problem with my comp. Ill shoot ya a link to my favorite program that has worked pretty good so far.

Windows Live Messenger Beta?

You know the main window, where it shows your contacts? Is there a way to make the icons next to their name bigger, like you can with MSN 7.5?

Windows Live Messenger Beta?windows update

No too sure! just had a look, but seems not =(

About windows live messenger conv. windows?

How do i make all of my conversations appear on a single tabbed window?

About windows live messenger conv. windows?windows xp

You'll need to install this add-on program for Windows Live Messenger called Messenger PlusLive!

It's completely free and gives you tabbed conversations along with a bunch of other nifty tools

Windows live messenger n yahoo messenger not working?

i've enable it in firewall but yet i cant use and log on inside.I dont have any problem logging on earlier on.Any solutions?Restarting in and so on...i dont my com having virus or something?

Windows live messenger n yahoo messenger not working?web browser

Switch back. Windows live Msgr is a "beta" and has bugs, I switched back from their live mail beta because it was sooo slow and would lock up. yahoo or windows...never use anything that has the word "beta" attached, The bugs are not worked out.

Are Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Spaces free?

I thought they were, but i just want to make sure before I get either one.

Are Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Spaces free?windows mobile

they sure are

Are Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Spaces free?safari browser internet explorer

Yes free!

Windows live messenger - can anyone tell me, if I am using Messenger with two or more people simulta

if I am talking to two girls at the same time -can they each see my replies to the other. If they can, how can I prevent it.

Windows live messenger - can anyone tell me, if I am using Messenger with two or more people simultaneously

They can't, as long as it's two separate conversations (in different conversation windows).

Windows live messenger - can anyone tell me, if I am using Messenger with two or more people simultaneously cainternet browser internet explorer

no they can't, proceed, lol
there is no way the two girsl can see the messages....


(i) if u write the message of girl a to girl b

(ii) if both girls are playing trick on u...

on the above two scenarios u r msg cud be viewed by both the babes

Windows live messenger, and yahoo messenger..HELP??

came back tome computer, after me girlfriend had finisheduseingit, but since then i cannot find any of my previous conversations, ie message history. could realy do with the help as been looking all over.

Windows live messenger, and yahoo messenger..HELP??microsoft access

open your msn and click on




at the bottom of the box it will an option of what folder you would like your conversations saving to.

Hope that helped

Windows live messenger, and yahoo messenger..HELP??windows mobile 6 internet explorer

have you tried looking in the actual conversations or whatever it says...?! lol...sorry im prob no help!
For Yahoo messenger:

go to messenger tab, then preferences, then archieve

and you will see what you have it selected on (eg yes, save all my messages)

and click the button 'view archieve' to view these messages- only works if they have been saved and not cleared though

Also, when you open a contacts conversation window, press F3 and it will show the recent messages.

My Windows Live Messenger isn't working..?

When I attempt to sign in, nothing happens, the window just appears the same. Anyone know how to fix this?

My Windows Live Messenger isn't working..?microsoft outlook

try reinstalling it

My Windows Live Messenger isn't working..?windows messenger internet explorer

try this version

Search Downloads Instant Messaging

Windows Messenger 5.1 Download

Windows live messenger 8.5 did i need msn plus???

i want better choise for my fonts???? where and how i get it??

Windows live messenger 8.5 did i need msn plus???windows defender











Windows live messenger 8.5 did i need msn plus???windows updates internet explorer

No, You don't...
go onto google type in windows live and download it:)

If you want even better features type in on google messenger plus live and download that too:)

Windows live messenger, "away"?

how long do you have to be inactive for for the "away" thing comes up??

Windows live messenger, "away"?windows live messenger

You can set how long you would like it to be.

Click on the little arrow next to your display name and status, a list will a appear, go to Options.

If it's not highlighted already, click on personal on the left hand side. In the 4th group, status it will say show me as inactive if I am away for ___ minutes.

You can change the amount of minutes you'd like it to be.

Then click apply and Ok if you are finished.

Windows live messenger, "away"?microsoft money internet explorer

10 minutes
you can choose as you wish , in the options
You can set the time in your options menu, but it's typically 10 minutes I think?
5 minutes standard or you can manualy set it yourself for any desired time within the options
I think it's 5 minutes.....
it depends on what your options are set to. Mine's set to switch to "away" after 5 minutes. It could be more, less, or not even set to change.
you can set the timer.

Windows live messenger has stopped working?? vista?

f-ing hate vista its reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy peeing me off argh burn all vista disks!!!!!!!!

i keep getting this error message

xp is the best vista just looks fancy thats all power to XP

anyway help me people to resolve this damn problem


Windows live messenger has stopped working?? vista?opera browser

Well, it would help to know hat version of Windows Live Messenger, try update it to the latest version.

Seems you also haven't realised what Vista actually is.

When they went from 2000 to XP it was a minor build change, none of the core programming had been looked at or changed, whereas Vistsa is version 6, they have gone back and rewritten a bunch of the core stuff, that allows them to move forward and not bump their head against old core acrhitecture anymore, like the file system, setc.

It may not look like much has changed, but there's actually a major change, you just don't see it all.

Maybe I just see it because I come from a Dev background.

I would say stick with XP for a different reason. It only works well at top spec, and the drivers have not been finished yet. It takes years to do that.

WinXP is stable, stick to it for now.

Windows live messenger has stopped working?? vista?microsoft windows internet explorer

Well maybe instead of crying about Vista you should actually mention the problem with Live messenger.
well its just msn. im using a mac and im having problems with both messenger and hotmail.

msn always has this problem, its a given...
hey it happens to me all the time too. try to restart your computer then trying to sign in. if that doesnt work, the just delete the programme from you control pannel from add or remove programs, then reinstall it again

hers the link:

or try msn messenger:

Windows live messenger can i have 2 boxes open and be online on two differeny accounts at the same t

i wanna be online on 2 users at the same time.

Windows live messenger can i have 2 boxes open and be online on two differeny accounts at the same time?windows movie maker

Get messenger Plus

There is an option in preferences where you can activate multiple accounts.

Windows live messenger can i have 2 boxes open and be online on two differeny accounts at the same time?microsoft project internet explorer

You can have two or three others on instant messaging,but not on video.I have mine on and also yahoo at the same time and use both at once when i have to.
i tried it and it doesnt work, so is what you can do is sign in to windows live with one address, then go to and sign in with the other. then yoiu can be online with two addresses
has far as i know you cant do this , ive tried it before and it tells you sign out of one account before it lets you sign into the other account. soz
If you have normal msn then sign in to that, then because you have windows live messenger you can sign in there also and be online twice at the same time... give it go!=)

yes you can

use PLUS

once installed

sign in with one account

on the toolbar

go to





mark the option 'use multiple accounts'


then just doubleclick on the MSn icon and sign in with another account

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There is a program you can download called "WLM Universal Patcher Plus" which will modify your MSN to allow you to open and login to windows live messenger multiple times on the same machine and also remove the advert from the bottom of the window.

I can't say I'd recommend this extra program though. It seems to be from an unknown source and I personally wouldn't trust it in case it contained something nasty.

Windows Live Messenger Voice Clips?

Are voice clips like when u send some one a little clip of u talking r thoes free?

i need to know QUICKLY!

Windows Live Messenger Voice Clips?windows media player 11

They are free.

Press and hold F2 to record and talk into your mic.

Windows Live Messenger - who has blocked me?


Just wondering is there a way to see if any of my friends on my MSN contact list has blocked me? Or that they are signed in as Appear Offline? Do they know if I have blocked them?


Windows Live Messenger - who has blocked me?microsoft excel

Well you cant really tell but if therey of line all the time then they may have blocked you.

Windows Live Messenger!?

Is there anyway to find out what date you added someone?

please help

Windows Live Messenger!?windows installer

Don't think you can check the date, but to access chat logs, you have to make sure you have activated the "keep chat logs saved" by tools %26gt;options%26gt;messages%26gt;tick box that says keep message history.

Hope this helps..

Windows Live Messenger!?microsoft vista internet explorer

No I don't think so.

If the archives are still on though you can see the first time you spoke to them.
No i don't think that's possible though you could check your chat logs for the first time you coversated if thats any help
When you closed your first chat window using Windows Live Messenger it should have asked you if you wanted to save chat logs if you checked "No" then there is no way to do so. If you checked "Yes" then it should have saved them somewhere in your "My Documents" folder or the windows live messenger folder in your program files folder I'm not sure where it saves them because I always check no

Good luck
Well, do you have a message log in Recieved Files??? and could it be in the properties on the contact???

Windows live messenger wont work?

right when i open it says it has encountered a problem and needs to close..ive uninstalled it several times but still doesnt work.

help pleez..

if you can the im me at

Windows live messenger wont work?safari browser

make sure its set to delete all history, because there well known for viruses also bad spelling, so delete it all, add this false address to block viruses its sends all viruses to the delete or drafts folder, just delete them

Whats the difference between Windows live messenger 8.5 beta & Windows live messenger 8.5 (norma

Normal is the finished version, beta releases come out when theyre not quite finished and expect people to tell them the last few things that are wrong with it before the final release.

Whats the difference between Windows live messenger 8.5 beta %26amp; Windows live messenger 8.5 (normal)?internet browser


Windows live messenger won't start because of some DEP program how do i bypass that?

"I cured this problem on my Vista Home Basic install:

1) Right click on the Messenger shortcut icon on your desktop;

2) Click on Properties;

3) Click on the 'Shortcut' tab;

4) Click on the 'Advanced...' button;

5) Put a tick in the 'Run as Administrator' box %26amp; click OK.

I have no idea why this works but I can use Messenger Live now without DEP closing the app."

I Live searched this answer and got this :

Windows Live Messenger prob?

it downloads, and gets to 99% and dosent go n e further what do i do?

Windows Live Messenger prob?windows updates

just wait, mine did that too.

restart ur cpu if it doesnt work.

Windows Live Messenger prob?replacement windows internet explorer

i dont know what happend but this might be helpful might not

i have LOTS of problems with live when i tried to update it A.V.G. popped up and said file detected trojan horse so i canceled the update and now i just put a new motherboard in and it doesnt see flash so its pretty messed up

Windows Live Messenger : offline and online contact groups?

How do I have one "Online" and one "Offline" contact group in WLM. My friend it on her computer and I just wanted to know how to do it.

Windows Live Messenger : offline and online contact groups?microsoft money

Open WLM.

At the Menubar, select Contacts -%26gt; Sort Contacts By.

Click "Status".

If you don't see a menubar, double click the top of WLM to fullscreen it, it will give you the menubar then.

Good luck!

Windows Live Messenger : offline and online contact groups?windows explorer internet explorer

when you open messenger you have up arrows up and down click on it and then you dispose datoteka and click on first

Windows live messenger on mobile ?

how can i put wlm on my mobile phone - i use nokia n81 and i am with optus in australia.

Windows live messenger on mobile ?microsoft windows

Follow instructions:

Windows Live Messenger HELP!!?

I need to Record a voice clip of a song playing on my desktop but it comes up with this message

"You cannot record a voice clip without a microphone connected to your computer"

How can I change this or Can I change this so I can record stuff from my desktop...

Windows Live Messenger HELP!!?microsoft publisher

Not exactly sure what your situation is but if it is asking for a mic. then most likely you will need one or take a look into settings and see if you can locate the type of software that would work for this purpose, What I mean is like in yahoo you will have a call setup and in there you can go in and change what type of tools you wish to use,

sorry if I was not much help,


Windows Live Messenger HELP!!?microsoft live internet explorer

I dont think you can unless you modify something with your sound card, im not really sure.
I always use sounds on MSN. You have to get a microphone before you can do ANY recording at all. Thats the only way to fix your problem.
At first you plugin your headset with microphone and you can record you voice.

Windows Live Messenger.....!!!!?

I went on msn today, i have been trying for ages trying to get on, but it keeps on coming up with this error. I have troubleshooted it and nothing is happing. Do i have to create a new msn address? Please helpl! Thanx

Windows Live Messenger.....!!!!?microsoft updates

Msn isn't working well today! Keep trying to sign in! It took me 7 attempts but i got in eventually

Windows Live Messenger.....!!!!?windows server 2003 internet explorer

No new addy needed - MSN is knackered!!
nope everyones getting it here too
No just leave it cos we are all having trouble with it today.Ive seen a few questions asking the same thing and everyone is having bother.Hopefully it wont last too long.xx
its down nothing you can do but keep trying there is no fix your doing nothing wrong and there is nothing wrong with your msn or hotmail they are having problems
The severs are down so msn at best is intermitant
It hasn't affected me lol
No. You need to throw your computer out the window and then get your rabbit to wee on it.
Oh it's good to talk.
check your service is o.k. here.....
to every one you can sign in by the oldest messenger.
i think they're updating it

Windows Live Messenger, What is a video call??

And how do they work, are they safe, stuff like that would be helpful. Thanks =]

Windows Live Messenger, What is a video call??windows media

Video call is only used if you have a Webcam with audio, it is only safe if you are only to talking to people you know!

Windows Live Messenger, What is a video call??microsoft exchange internet explorer

a video call is when you have a webcam and you want to make a video call to see the person that you talking to
A Video call is when (if you accept them) your Web cam would transmit a video of you to the other person, and there Web cam would transmit a video of them to you. There safe as long as you know the person.
Safe, u needa attach a microphone and webcam and basically showing a video but voice into it,so its like seeing each other
what the other guys said. But safety isnt a big problem with webcam because you can see the person so you know they are not impersoning someone

Windows Live Messenger 8.5 !?

well, i really want to upgrade to the new version of msn but i really hate the idea of the bubbles round the pictures

ive got a picture of what i mean but its not very good as its off a friends computer, but you can kinda see what im on about

Windows Live Messenger 8.5 !?microsoft vista

i dont think theres anything ya can do about the bubble/frame around ya picture, its not so bad.if ya realy dont want it then the best thing to do is not upgrade, else id say go for it and upgrade

Windows Live Messenger 8.5 !?windows xp pro internet explorer

Not quite with you, but that blue man is only there if you chose not to show an image. You can also turn him off!
dont understand the question?
Its not really that bad, If you don't want it don't upgrade.

Windows Live Messenger? Why all of a sudden has my display name changed?

I had put an emoticon either side of my name on there, which showed up on my screen as a picture, but now all i get on my screen is the keyboard symbol, not the picture. I have tried deleting it and re-entering it, but nothing changes. Power did go off 3 times last night, very briefly. Any ideas on how i can get it to show on my screen again??

Windows Live Messenger? Why all of a sudden has my display name changed?ds browser


open MSN




tick the option 'show emoticons'

and 'show custumized emoticons'


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cσρчяιg?τ ?2008 к?ν мιтηι¢к

Windows Live Messenger Mobile & Webcam Questions???

Ok...WLM is about to drive me to homocide!!!

First, I have set up my cellphone and it accepted the pin code. Now how do I mark myself away and recieve msgs on my cell?

Second, I know I can chat with my yahoo contacts. But I can't figure out how to share my webcam and most other features. It seems like it's very limited with yahoo contacts.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Windows Live Messenger Mobile %26amp; Webcam Questions???microsoft office 2003

There should be an option under your pulldown menu at the top of the Yahoo Messenger screen that gives you the option to share your webcam.

Windows live messenger showing i always have 1 email when i dont?

anyone else having this problem? its really annoying me.

Windows live messenger showing i always have 1 email when i dont?microsoft works

ya, i have had the same... its usually if you sign in and dont check your mail via windows live(and have like 2 new messages) it will say 2 New Messages....

Windows live messenger showing i always have 1 email when i dont?windows mobile internet explorer

Although I have never experienced this problem you may actually have an e-mail that you have not opened WAY in the past!
hey well if you don't have the latest windows live messenger (8.5) which u can check by clicking help and then about from the drop down menu also try reinstalling windows live messenger
i had this problem once, but with yahoo. i had send an e-mail to customer care service and they told me to open messenger in debug mode then send them a file that messenger creates, i thing live msn is like this , and you can open it in debug mode, then send the file is created to live messenger support center or something like this. and tell them what is your problem.

Windows Live Messenger Video Call?

Whenever my friend and I are talking, he says he sent the video call but it doesn't ring for me or even show it's doing anything. When I send the call, it does the ringing for me, and he says he picked up, but mine says he didn't. What do I do?

Windows Live Messenger Video Call?replacement windows

try using Yahoo, you will enjoy its video call.

Windows Live Messenger Video Call?windows mail internet explorer

reinstall it, both of it if u can him and urs then try

from add remove programs, then go to windows msgned and then yeah.

Windows Live Messenger error 3100030d?

I have had this error once before but it sorted its self out.

Does anyone know how i can fix it because its getting annoying.

Windows Live Messenger error 3100030d?windows explorer

make sure that your system date and time is correct.

If you use Zonealaram, temporarily disable it and also check that your proxy settings are correct (if you are using a proxy),

open cmd (or elevated command prompt in Vista) and type the following:


regsvr32 softpub.dll

regsvr32 wintrust.dll

regsvr32 initpki.dll

regsvr32 dssenh.dll

regsvr32 rsaenh.dll

regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll

regsvr32 sccbase.dll

regsvr32 slbcsp.dll

regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll

In Start run : paste this and then press enter :


%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft

find the Windows Live Contact folder and delete it.

restart Windows Live Messenger.

Windows Live Messenger Problem! who can help?

I got an email advertising This is a site where you type in your email adress and password, and it tells you who deletes you on msn. Well I was stupid enough to use it. It said that the site was 100% safe, didnt store you password and didnt change your username. Once I had entered my information, it told me who had deleted me.etc. Afterwards, I signed onto my msn account, and my username looked the same as it always was. But when I started a conversation, instead of saying " Hannah says; " It said " WWW.BLOCKANDROLL.NET Look Who Deleted You From MSN Contacts List says: " In options (where you change your username) it still says my original username (Hannah) But no matter how I change it, it keeps saying " WWW.BLOCKANDROLL.NET Look Who Deleted You From MSN Contacts List says: " I even changed my password but it hasnt helped anything. So I am just thinking of making a new msn account. Which will be a pain as I have to add hundreds of people again. Any solutions please?

Windows Live Messenger Problem! who can help?windows media player 10

If you downoaded this as a program, it should be on your program list. Find it in your programs, delete it, then restart your computer. Go to your control panel, click on all prgrams, and see if it is there. It has to be somewhere, even in your documents. Look around, and once you find the file, delete it. Sorry i couldnt be of more help...good luck

Windows Live Messenger Problem! who can help?microsoft net internet explorer

u can make a new account and write it in ur psm and then u can say ad me on this email so that everyone ads u and u can ad some poeple that didnt ad

thats the only soloution i've got .. sorry

Windows Live Messenger Help, Please!?

My internet is up and running fine... but it says that there is something wrong with my proxy server and Hosts file... What does this mean and how can I fix this?

Windows Live Messenger Help, Please!?microsoft powerpoint

Hi, today I was able to connect to only Windows Live Messenger in the afternoon. I live in and come from Ghana in West Africa. I was able to connect to Windows Live Mail for only a minute in the afternoon and since then I have not been able to connect to it till now which is in the evening here in Ghana. In the afternoon too I wasn't able to connect to other Windows Live Services and till now I have not been able to connect to them. In the afternoon I tried connecting to Windows Live QnA, I was able to display the webpage but it was with errors and when I tried to refresh it, it didn't display anything on the page again. The webpage was blank and white. After I logged on to the web or internet in the afternoon, I have not been able to connect to Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live Mail and all other Windows Live services ever since I logged on again this evening here in Ghana.

There is nothing wrong with your computer so don't worry about it. With time, the access to all Windows Live services will come back as the other guy said, so don't worry as I said earlier on.

Mine has not come yet so I am still waiting for it. Hope it comes early.

Don't worry about it. It will come.

Windows Live Messenger Help, Please!?windows xp sp2 internet explorer

Windows Live is down at the moment. There are some bugs in the system that they are trying to sort out. Mine is working now. Try signing on now, it may be working in your area.

Mines been down for the past 4 hours but its back on now... finnaly...

Sit tight, it'll work soon! :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Windows live messenger??

i put to show what im listening to but it's not showing, how do i fix this?

Windows live messenger??microsoft live

Do you have the plugin for your media player? If you're using WMP or iTunes, just google it.

eg. "Windows media player msn plugin" then download and follow install instructions :)

Windows live messenger??microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

click on Tools on top of the Windows media player menu. move ur mouse to "plug ins" and then make sure "windows live messenger plug in" is selected.

Windows live messenger 9?

Has anyone heard anything about it's release?

Windows live messenger 9?windows server 2003

yes, it's the beta version of the latest Windows Live Messenger. It isn't recommended since it's still in beta testing stage or else it'll cause lots of errors.

Windows live messenger 9?windows xp service internet explorer

umm I think I have it..its nothng special :)

Windows live messenger wont let me sign in? has it happened to you?

I am having problems accessing my hotmail account. I have been having this problem all day. They are very likely related. I think it is an MSN problem.

Windows live messenger wont let me sign in? has it happened to you?microsoft exchange

yes you can try the repair, and also there is a program that can stop you from signing in all the person needs is you screenname.

try creating a new account in case this is the problem.

Windows live messenger wont let me sign in? has it happened to you?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

Msn and hotmail been wacky all day..
you dont have internet

Windows live messenger 9.0...?

Hi! my friend and i want to update are msn's. so we wanna get the newest one out (or almost) so if you guys have any idea where i could download it at, can u please post the link for me?

(only websites that can be trusted)


Windows live messenger 9.0...?windows xp pro


get windows live messenger 9.0 beta here

::: (\(\

*: (=' :') :*

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cσρчяιg?τ ?2008 к?ν мιтηι¢к

Windows live messenger 9.0...?microsoft net framework internet explorer

microsoft website should have it
They haven't released it officially yet, so you can't download it.

More info:


Windows Live Messenger doesn't start!!!?!!!?

i click on the icon. nothing.

Ive uninstalled and reinstalled 1 million times

im getting so annoyed!!!

Anyone know what to do????!?!?!?!

Windows Live Messenger doesn't start!!!?!!!?microsoft templates

Go to control panel and check the connectivity of the program, if not just go to and you can sign on, is pretty cool and if you don't want to do that just get "trillian" this program is very cool and allows you to connect to several accounts. AIM, YAHOO, Hotmail/MSN and another one that i don't remember its name.

Windows live messenger -- sharing folder??

do ya know how to put a folder in the 'sharing folder'?? i having trouble with it cause when i try the 'add files' it cant put the folder.

and if my friend don't receive it, what should i do??? thank you.

Windows live messenger -- sharing folder??nintendo ds browser

Open the folder where ur file is. Open sharing folders. ''Drag'' the file(s) to the sharing folder window.Your friend don't recieve it , email it to them.

Is "Windows Live Messenger" the same as MSN Messenger??

Yes, it's the same program but with new name and (allegedly) a few new extras.

Is "Windows Live Messenger" the same as MSN Messenger??windows xp professional

Of course, don't you know that?

Is "Windows Live Messenger" the same as MSN Messenger??windows xp home internet explorer

Yes it name and a few upgrades. (confused me too when I updated a few weeks ago)
same company same program, just a name change (from msn to live) and a few changes to it.

basically msn messenger 8 but not called that

Is windows live messenger and msn messenger the same ?

Windows live messenger is the new version of msn messenger and this can be use in the same msn messenger with new outlook and more facility.

Is windows live messenger and msn messenger the same ?windows mobile

Yes. It's just that MSN changed it's ownership and therefore changed its name to Windows Live.

Is windows live messenger and msn messenger the same ? internet explorer

No. They aren't the same.

Windows messenger comes with windows xp, preinstalled.

Windows live messenger it's the new messenger generation , which includes, voice, video, pictures, file transfer, text color and it's more advanced than windows messenger.

Windows messenger first appeared on 2001 when windows xp was launched. Windows live messenger was first launched on 2006, as far as I know.

Is windows live messenger compatitble with windows vista?

i have recently bought a laptop and downloaded it but it wont open-nothing happens! Please help!!

Is windows live messenger compatitble with windows vista?windows mail

vista compatible live messenger version is 8.1(build 8.1.0178.00)

Is windows live messenger compatitble with windows vista?microsoft maps internet explorer

yeah it is compatitble with windows vista.i have it on my laptop that is programmed with vista
not only was it compaitable but it was optimized for vista

MSN--Windows Live Messenger?

Does anyone know what the best version %26amp; build is for a WIN 98SE computer?

MSN--Windows Live Messenger?microsoft zune

msn messenger 6 versions

download it from

MSN--Windows Live Messenger?windows nt internet explorer

is that still around?

My windows live messenger doesn't sign in. instead it asks to download latest version. wut shal

plz help me plz plz

My windows live messenger doesn't sign in. instead it asks to download latest version. wut shall i do??microsoft net

Download the latest version, its the only way.

My windows live messenger doesn't sign in. instead it asks to download latest version. wut shall i do??microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

what cant you understand about the instructions???....yes download it...its an update
goto and download the latest version
click yes on the update wait a few minutes and thats all
Ok the best way to solve your problem is to follow the instructions and download the latest version of MSN. as soon as you do that your problem will be solved!plus you will get new and special features in your latest version of MSN! so what are you waiting for? comeone! do it! it will be all right!
It means that you do actually have to download the latest version. I'm guessing, if it's come up saying that, that you haven't downloaded the new version for a while.

Sadly, MSN wants everyone to keep downloading and upgrading with them. If you don't, then they don't let you sign in on an older version. You can usually get away with it for a while, but, as you have found out, they eventually make you do it.

So, just go ahead and download it. =)

My windows live messenger is giving me a error code 80072EFD when I log in. How do I fix that?

Very easy, see here:

Happy fixing!

My windows live messenger won't start it say's something about key ports on the troublesho

it means that the ports are blocked by a program or are already in use.

Try unblocking them in your firewall.

My windows live messenger won't start it say's something about key ports on the troubleshooting?microsoft internet explorer

turn your firewall off.

My Windows Live Messenger cant add contacts?

after i added the contact...the person i sent the contact request does not get the request..and if someone sends me a request to be on their contact list i cant recieve it....this never happend before....also, when i sign in on another computer it shows all the contacts as active when they are...but as i get bak to my problemed computer and sign on..the active contacts i recently added are gone...but not my old contacts.

My Windows Live Messenger cant add contacts?windows xp service

there is obviously wrong with your system...virus perhaps

Messenger plus! for windows live messenger.. how come my when I type my color shows but my friends d

They only c my text as black. I just got it downloaded. Can anybody help me?? i want my friends to c my text show the color.

Messenger plus! for windows live messenger.. how come my when I type my color shows but my friends don't cwindows vista ultimate

Hello This is due to the fact that your msn has msn plus and your friends does not you both need to have the same

New Windows Live Messenger?

apperantly the newest version is 8.5, i've also gotten people saying its version 9

they have also been saying things like bug fixes and security enhancement and there are lots of new features

what are these "lots of new features" ?

New Windows Live Messenger?microsoft net framework

no on the interent there is wlm 9 but its not real it brings all types of viruses in to your pc you would be better with 8.5

hope i helped


Does windows live messenger utilize QOS to have a more fluid video-conferencing experience ?

No. Quality of Service (QOS) is implemented on routers and switches, applications have no influence on that.

In other words: MSN can be screaming "hey, my traffic first", but that won't impress the routers and switches, unless they're set to listen to MSN. And most (if not all) aren't...

HELP! "Windows Live Messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close"?

When I view what this error contains:

Error signature: AppName: msnmsgr.exe AppVer: 8.5.1302.1018 AppStamp:4717a53b

ModName: ole32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.2726 ModStamp:42e5be93

fDebug: 0 Offset: 0006ec04

I am computer illiterate. Can someone help me fix this problem a.s.a.p? Thanks!

HELP! "Windows Live Messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close"?windows 98

You did not say if System Restore worked or not. If you had this problem just recently it does make sense to restore the earlier days.

First of all try to reboot and see what happens. If it continues it means that the messenger misses some vital file necessary to function.

If rebooting does not help try free computer help: Also I would recommend ← not free service, but if you are desperate to solve a problem you might want to use their service. They take over your computer and solve major problems. I use both websites myself.

Good luck to you.

HELP! "Windows Live Messenger has encountered a problem and needs to close"?microsoft support internet explorer

you haev to many contacts get rid of soem then it will work its closing because it freezes loading all your contacts!
its iether ur computer sucks really bad and its a piece of well u know or u have to run it on a adminastrative account duh ur a stupid idiot
that happens to me, but with Movie maker..

Does your Windows Live Messenger sign you out automatically right after you signed in?

It's so irritating that it signs out automatically without asking. What i'll do is to quickly open a chat window and leave it there so that when it wants to sign out, it'll ask if i wanna do so. And after i click no, it'll run ok. What's wrong?

Does your Windows Live Messenger sign you out automatically right after you signed in?windows xp home

You probably have an old version of messenger trying to run on your machine that kicks Live Messenger off the network

Does your Windows Live Messenger sign you out automatically right after you signed in?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

You saved your password to it, and you have it set to start when windows start. Go to preferences and change it from started and don't save your password.
There's alot of blips and gremlins with Messenger. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it or using another version??
Got a bug in your messenger. Reinstall it. Or use Trillian instead.
Only if you selected that option, if you go to options - general and change allow automatic sign in when connected to Internet option, that should solve the problem

In windows live messenger, what do the highlighted messages in the conversation history mean?

i mean whenever i look at my conversation histories the messages are either highlighted (in blue) or not.

In windows live messenger, what do the highlighted messages in the conversation history mean?

That are just "blocks" from every conversation you had with that person. As in, every time you start a new conversation it will pick the other color. white-blue-white-blue and so on.

With Windows Live Messenger I continuously get error 800401f3 and slow typing on the username field?

I tried several fixes including using Subinacl to do something with the registry and re-registering some DLL's. These fixes worked temporarily but they didn't last for a very long time, they usually lasted until I rebooted my PC. Any suggestions on how to get this error to go away FOREVER? Any help would be greatly appreciated

With Windows Live Messenger I continuously get error 800401f3 and slow typing on the username field?microsoft maps

try restoring your computer to a previous time if you don't know how to do that go to start --%26gt; all programs --%26gt; accessories --%26gt; system tools --%26gt; system restore. If that doesn't work then you can either uninstall the program or the one and final solution that you can do it re-install windows to its regular format when you bought the computer. may the force be with you.

On windows live messenger???

is there any way to check if someone read your mail? and is there any way to see somebody when they sign in as "appear offline"? any answer would help a lot. thanks!

On windows live messenger???windows nt


On windows live messenger???windows 95 internet explorer

There is no way for either one.

But never have an automatic sign in because it is an easy way for others to check your mail.
un no appear offline will make them invisible to others

MSN Windows Live Messenger for MACS?

Where is the website where I can download it for Mac because the normal one doesnt work.

MSN Windows Live Messenger for MACS?microsoft flight simulator

The only place you should get Microsoft products is from Microsoft. Find the official download here:

Version 6.0.3 of Messenger requires OS X 10.3.9 (fully updated "Panther") or higher, Older versions that will work with older Macs can be found toward the bottom of the right-hand column on the Messenger product page.

MSN Windows Live Messenger for MACS?windows 2000 internet explorer

If its not working properly it maybe something to do with Microsoft's coding being designed to "exclude" Macs as well as being **** code.
AdiumX is better IMO, but if you really want MSN you can download from this site along with AdiumX.
you don't need to download anything. There are web-based messengers now.

just to name a few

My windows live messenger doesnt wanna sign me in?

it says something is wrong with my key ports! How do I fix this?

I checked proxy settings and they're fine, I checked firewall settings and they're fine too.. I troubleshooted and it said 'key ports' and it wouldnt repair on its own if I click the repair button.. so.. any ideas how to fix this?

My windows live messenger doesnt wanna sign me in?microsoft downloads

u will do this:

go to the msn icon on desktop

right click with mouse and go to properties

then Compatibility

then Run this program in compatibility mode for;

and select Windows 2000

hope this will help

I have Windows Live Messenger and my friends in China have it too. But,?

They can write in the window with the cursor like a pen and send me a Chinese character or a picture. How can I get this feature?

I have Windows Live Messenger and my friends in China have it too. But,?microsoft xp

They are using MSN 7.5 (if you don't have this version yet, you can download it from the MSN site, . You need to get it too if you don't have it to be able to draw.

In your chat window, towards the bottom of the box you type in, right underneath the send button, you'll find a tab with an icon of a pen tip on it. This is the drawing tool. You can click that tab to use your mouse to draw in the box, and click back on the icon with the letter 'A" to type again. Your friends are probably just using the drawing tool.

Hope that helps!

I have Windows Live Messenger and my friends in China have it too. But,?download windows xp internet explorer

download appropriate java
Under the send button in the conversation click on the pen icon. This will switch you to drawing mode and allow you to draw images into the conversation.

My Windows Live Messenger wont open!!?

when i try and open it it says, the parameter is incorrect

what does that mean? how can i fix it?

My Windows Live Messenger wont open!!?windows xp themes

Check your Live messenger shortcut file (the one you click) by rightclicking and selecting "Properties"

The Target shoud read

"C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" and nothing else.

If it still doesnt work just reinstall Live Messenger or reboot.

Lastest Windows Live Messenger version?

I think it's version 9

Lastest Windows Live Messenger version?microsoft frontpage

Unless you like Live messenger. Don't use it.. Use yahoo messenger, it's easier to use. And you can talk to people on Live Messenger from it just as easy.

Can windows live messenger send sms to handphone?How?step by step show me,pls.?

Yes it can. I'll describe how it was back in the day. (Some of these sites may no longer be in use. Hopefully they'll re direct to the ones used currently.)

Go to %26amp; sign in using your Windows Live account %26amp; then follow their instructions including selecting your provider %26amp; entering your phone number, if its not listed you can select other (I had to). If all the instructions are followed correctly you will get the confirmation code on your mobile, enter in the field necessary %26amp; you should be good to go.

Add yourself to your Messenger list so you can try it out.

Unfortunately for me my Mobile Service Provider has locked off their Online Gateway for Web to Phone communication so it hasn't worked for me in a while, but it should for you.

Hope that helps.

Can windows live messenger send sms to handphone?How?step by step show me,pls.?microsoft support

i don't know... I think it can't...

My windows live messenger wont work!!?

it says that the parameter is incorrect

and when i try to change the target thingy it wont let me click into it to change it, WHAT DO I DO! i dont wanna reinslall it cuz idk how..


My windows live messenger wont work!!?microsoft visual studio

go to start, control panel, add/remove programs, and click change, and follow the uninstall instructions. after you have done that go to msn and download live messenger again and install it.

My windows live messenger won't let me send any messages?

Everytime I try and send a message to someone it says "The following message could not be delivered to all recipients" any ideas why it says this? My internet conenction is working fine and I've troubleshooted everything it told me to and nothing appears to be wrong? Anyone got any ideas? Much obliged

My windows live messenger won't let me send any messages?microsoft windows xp

I absolutely hate when that happens. It happens when I've been on MSN for too long... like if I leave my PC on over night and come on the next day to it, so I have to exit the actual program and go into it again and it work fine. It's nothing to do with DNS/Connection and all that crap. It's just the program being crappy. Restart it.

My windows live messenger won't let me send any messages?ie 7 internet explorer

Could it be the people you are trying to send to are off-line? If not there could be some kind of external firewall blocking it. If so there is a web based version of msn you can use
this could be there interent connection is wacked or they are offline sometymz when im running 4 or more convos or interrent tabs at one tym it happens to me. also re-downloadin the version of msn helps
try sending them with the normal messenger mate.
Yes that has happend to me, you should either re download it or i just reset my computer a couple of times, or normally if you type somthing and it wont let you send it click search, it will come up with a load of rubbish but you get your message across
recipients are offline most likely, your internet connection is slow and unable to connect or you need to update your version of messenger.... Good luck

Windows Live Messenger font..?

Many people use a nice font on their display name and message but I don't seem able to get it. Does anyone know how to get it? Please help!

Windows Live Messenger font..?windows registry

you can get flashy display name here

as for font and color and size for text you can change that just above were you type to chat in messenger window its the one with symbol AB

Windows live messenger plus help! Please!?

its about the tabbed convos how do i take it off?

Windows live messenger plus help! Please!?windows 95

I have that program too. The way you can take it off is to

1- click on the " Messenger Plus! Live " button

2- after click on " Perferences "

3- go to ' Conversations '

4- Then ' Tabbed Chats '

5- after you do that you'll know the rest.


Windows live messenger 8.1?

um it was telling me to download the new version

and i was just wondering what its like?is it better?i dont wanna download it and then hate it so give me your input on it.thnks.

Windows live messenger 8.1?windows themes

It's practically the same thing.. maybe some more "eye-catching" stuff.. other then that.. I assume some bug fixes as well..

take care,


Windows Live Messenger Problem?

when i want to play a game with my friend, i click on the games icon and it always says Games or Actvities not availible. Can someone help me with this problem

Windows Live Messenger Problem?download windows xp

Do u have install Java if yes then sever/ or net speed is not supporting if not download JAVA.


I will suggest reinstalling Messenger by downloading the latest Messenger version from

Windows Live Messenger Problem?ies internet explorer

try reconnecting to the internet, or try again later

Windows live messenger signs in and immediately signs back out!?

please help

first it shows with the 8004005 error code

but later it will just sign in and then at the same 1 second later -- signs back out!

what should i do?

please help



Windows live messenger signs in and immediately signs back out!?microsoft word download

he is flirting to u...sure u are very he cant stand looking at ur eyes(messanger of course)

Windows Live Messenger/MSN, does anyone know how to invite people to listen to what you're list

Along some of my contacts on MSN, it shows what they're listening to whilst online, how can i put this on mine?

Windows Live Messenger/MSN, does anyone know how to invite people to listen to what you're listening to?windows vista home premium

鈫?Open MSN

鈫?Click Tools

鈫?Click Options

鈫?Click personal tab

鈫?Near the top there should be a small box saying make music my personal message

鈫?Tick this box

And you're done..

Windows Live Messenger/MSN, does anyone know how to invite people to listen to what you're listening to?ie tab internet explorer

on the bit it says "personal message" click on the arrow next 2 it and put it on "show what i'm listening to"
Hiya Julia.

Right you know where it says just underneath you name

[[enter a peronal message]]

There should be an arrow next to that, clikc that dropdown arrow and it should say

'show what im listening to'

Then when you are listening to music your contacts should be able to see what your listeing to!

you cant invite people to listen, it just tells others what you are listening to on your windows media player, to enable others to see this you go into your messenger tools and then options and on the personal page click show song information from windows media player, then go to your media player and open tools and plug ins and tick windows live messenger plug in and that is it done, any time you play your windows media player it will show the song in messenger. hope this helps
After doing that on MSN to change the personal message, you also need to go into windows media player %26gt; tools %26gt; plug-ins and tick windows live messenger plugin. If you dont do this it wont show up.

Windows Live Messenger for?

Where is the website where I can download it for Mac because the normal one doesnt work.

Windows Live Messenger for?ie

If they don't have mirror websites, then i would recommend using if it is there.

If you really want it then you can also use BitTorrent

Windows Live Messenger for?microsoft internet explorer

Operantly you are unable to do that. However, there is a solution to this problem. You can download the Mac Version if Windows Messenger, you won't have the same features like Windows Live Messenger. But, you can still chat with friends

For me I'd rather use Adium as a Chat Program because I'm able to use my other accounts on it like Yahoo, Gmail, Msn, etc

Windows Live Messenger Will Not Start?

I double click the icon and the Vista 'working circle' appears for around a second - and thats it!

I have tried uninstalling and deleting all folders but no luck.

How can I fix this?

Windows Live Messenger Will Not Start?ie 6

You need to go to the Microsoft website or, the manufacturer of your computer and see if there is a patch to fix it.

I cannot get any messenger to work and I have Vista Home Basic running on an Acer laptop. There is a fix available if you know how to zip stuff etc, but, as a total numpty the fix will have to stay where it is cos I don't know how to do what they are telling me to do.

Windows Live Messenger Will Not Start?windows vista internet explorer

by the clock on the pc, if its already loaded and you have pressed the red x in the corner it still stays online. look for a green chest and head, right click and go to exit : this will sign you out of msn
OK i know about 2 other ways to help you since I'd die without WLM. OK 1, try going on programs and then that WLM icon. then presuming that doesn't work go to (for default vista) START ICON %26gt; COMPUTER %26gt; LOCAL DISK %26gt; PROGRAM FILES %26gt; WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER (windows live) %26gt; you may have to click on msn messenger %26gt; than inside the main file search for MSNMSGR . click on this file and this should take you straight to WLM main desktop. sorry for the huge answer, hope this works. Gd luck !
Vista? says it all!!!

Windows live messenger keeps bring up pop-ups with the name of CID... what is this and how do i get

ive checked my computer for spyware and viruses and its not that.... i have also got a firwall...

Windows live messenger keeps bring up pop-ups with the name of CID... what is this and how do i get rid of it?download ie

Your computer most likely has A Lop malware infection.

A pop-up blocker WILL NOT stop Lop (CiD) pop-ups.

Removal information using the Nolop removal tool is here:

Additional Lop / CiD removal information is here:

Good luck.

Windows live messenger problems?

i haev it set to automatically keep a history of my conversations, but sometimes it just doesnt, this is really annoying. Anyone know why this is happening and what i can do to fix it?

Windows live messenger problems?internet explorer 7

If you're using Messenger Plus! then it's likely it's simply a bug and you'll need to wait until it's fixed and install a newer version. See the reference forum post here:

If you don't have Messenger Plus! installed, or don't know what I'm talking about then it might just be a problem with the version of Live Messenger you've got.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I've had a look around and I can't find anything more out I'm afraid. I hope the first explanation makes some sense.

All the best.

Windows live messenger problems?microsoft word internet explorer

it is there somewhere save in one folder try and read the microsoft window messenger file

Windows live messenger not working!!!?

well the problem is when i sign in, it says trouble shoot problems may be cuz of the firewall settings, i changed them to all the possible ways but still doesn't work

Error Code: 80048820

Extended error code: 80048412

this is wht pops up, please help please!!!!!

Windows live messenger not working!!!?internet explorer 6

check that the date is correct on your computer.

Windows live messenger not working!!!?windows live internet explorer

the problem often occurs because the time and date settings on the computer are incorrect.

Double click you clock and set the time and date correctly

Windows Live Messenger: The following message could not be delivered to all recipients, WTF?

The last couple days I have been getting this warning. It doesn't go away until I receive a reply. Then it works for a little bit, then I get the error again. I can use the call computer feature with no problems at all. Anyone else have this problem or know a fix for this?

Windows Live Messenger: The following message could not be delivered to all recipients, WTF?ies

i had the same prob try restarting the app or reinstalling it or if any of those methonds dont work get a new messanger its still gona work with your ac/c

Windows live messenger help!?

how do i put my nick from the Character Map ??

i cant copy and paste???

Windows live messenger help!?internet explorer download

there is a botton next to where the text comes out on the character map that say COPY click that

Windows live messenger nudge problem!?

i have a problem with WLM. Everytime i nudge someone or they nudge me i directly get logged out. It freezes and shows me an error report i dont know wat to do. Pls help!!!!

Windows live messenger nudge problem!?internet explorer update

Block nudges.

Open the options bit [where you would go to change your screen name] and down the side click 'Messages'.

Then in there, there's a ticked box that says 'allow me to send and receive nudges'.

You won't be able to send nudges if you untick it, but it should solve your freezing problem :)

Windows Live Messenger question...?

How can I see who is online without logging in?

When I use Sign in as: Appear offline, everybody gets that ''He has just logged in'' pop-up and they start bugging me :). So it's definitely not that option.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Windows Live Messenger question...?windows installer

If you login using "appear offline" then it doesn't send out any alerts. It is likely disabled if you're trying to login that way and you only think it is logging you in invisibly. Are you actually using Windows Messenger or are you using a third party program like Trillian or something ?

I would suggest updating to the latest version of Windows Live Messenger and see if that helps also. Another thing could be if your computer automatically logs you into messenger then i would disable that and then make it so you can sign in manually appearing offline :)

Hope that helps.

Good luck!

Windows Live Messenger question...?microsoft vista internet explorer


you can try this trick (only windows live msn)

open a chatwindow to the person you think is online using offline status

say hello and send the message

when you receive the message' x is offline he will receive your message the next time he signs in' , the contact is really offline, if there's no message so he is online with offline status

when you know he's got webcam just look if the webcam icon is shown, if the contact is offline and you can see that cam icon he is online using offline status

you can use these sites that don't require your password

you have to know that if the contact activates the option

'only people on my Allow List can see my status and send me messages'


you cannot see his status on any web

I hope I helped you^^

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cσρчяιg?τ ?2007 ρ?ιк??

Windows live messenger (8.0) - video calls?

now that i hav this version 8.0 can i stil just turn my webcam on like before or do i have 2 do a video call with people witht he same version

Windows live messenger (8.0) - video calls?safari browser

Yes, You can just use it like befor.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Windows live messenger problem!?

i have replaced some words/letters with pictures eg.waving hand for hi but i can't get rid of them now they are getting annoying when writing to friends that can't see the pictures just gaps help please

Windows live messenger problem!?ie tab

This works for Windows Live (MSN version 8). In a conversation, click on the emoticons icon, click on more, scroll to the emoticons you put there, click on one of them, click modify and change the keyboard shortcut. Now when you type the word you wanted, the icon should not come up.

Windows live messenger problem!?windows mobile internet explorer

click into the emoticons and change the shortcut


Windows Live Messenger Full Version?

Everytime I switch over and then close my browser, it switches back to Classic, how can I make it so I will always be using the full version?

Windows Live Messenger Full Version?uninstall internet explorer

It is most likely to be that your browser is not accepting cookies.

These are tempoary files that remember basic settings about the sites that you visit e.g. login information etc.

You either have a program or antivirus installed that clears these automatically or your browser is not set to accept cookies. Have a look at the links below for instructions.

If this fails you should contact the windows live support staff at the link below who will be able to help you.

Hope this helps you

Richard (giloi2007)

Windows Live Messenger Status Question?

Hi about status like Busy or Away or Be Right Back, is it possible to add a new one or rename one?

Windows Live Messenger Status Question?microsoft

you can try downloading msg plus. its a software that adds a lot of nice and interesting features.

Windows Live Messenger Status Question?microsoft access internet explorer

yea double click on it or go to tools and then options.
Yes, it is.

You need to have Msgr Plus! Live for that. =)

just download PLUS

you can set up customized status messages

once installed

go to




personal status message

you can setup a personal status message or also use filters to show a personal status message for one or more contacts

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Windows live messenger keeps signing in and out help!?

that's about it...and it only happens on my computer...

it signs me in and then 1 second later, signs me out!!!

please help



Windows live messenger keeps signing in and out help!?ireland

sometimes computer trick you out.If the problem happen only to your account,create another account.If the problem is happen only in your computer,try to sign in with other account.

Windows live messenger keeps signing in and out help!?microsoft outlook internet explorer

if you dont want the program to run try this every time it bothers you:

hit "ctrl-alt-delete" at the same time...this opens the task manager (be careful, cause if you hit it twice it restarts your computer)

go to the "processes" tab and find the program titled something like "msg" click it once and then click "End Process" at the will ask you if you want to do that, click yes

that should get rid of your problem

Windows live messenger MSN?

How do i stop the msn of automaticly switching on when i turn on the computer. should i go to properties or there's other options

Windows live messenger MSN?windows vista

Go to OPTIONS, then click on GENERAL and then untick (Automaticly run windows live when I log on to windows).

Windows live messenger help plz answer!?

how do i delete my sharing folders from my computer.

cause i dont know how to

Windows live messenger help plz answer!?windows media player

Open up my computer, click on tools (at the top), then folder options, click on the view tab and click show hidden files. then go into the hard drive, click on Documents and settings, local settings, application data, Microsoft, messenger, your email. and It's there.

Windows live messenger help plz answer!?windows live messenger internet explorer

go to options in tools then go to sharing folders i think u can take it off from there

Windows live messenger been showing red circle with exclmation point in options i refresh its gone a

i go to tools options then connection then the red cicrle with the exclmation point i refresh its gone, also i have no trouble shoot button works fine little annoying tho, my fire wall is configured and everything no probs till just other day.ive checked services.msc to see if any services are off any ideas? thks

Windows live messenger been showing red circle with exclmation point in options i refresh its gone any ideas?microsoft office

Could it be a popup that is being blocked? It seems like something is being blocked during the download and the red stop circle/exclam point is alerting you to this. What happens if you click on the red circle, anything? Is there a yellow bar across the top of the window that says 'popups blocked'?

Windows Live Messenger Deletion?

I was gonna upgrade my wlm but it ended up completely wiping out...HELP!

Windows Live Messenger Deletion?windows live

Try re-installing it. Restart your computer after re-installing and see if that works.

Windows Live Messenger Deletion?windows media player 11 internet explorer

download it from

Windows Live Messenger Won't Work Its Saying Error Code:800401f3 And saying its temporarily una

How Do I Fix This Very Disrupting Problem ASAP!

Windows Live Messenger Won't Work Its Saying Error Code:800401f3 And saying its temporarily unavailable? Help?windows mobile

Click Troubleshooting when it fails, and click Test and wait then click repair. I had the same problem but this sorted it!

Windows Live Messenger Won't Work Its Saying Error Code:800401f3 And saying its temporarily unavailable? Help?safari browser internet explorer

make sure the time and date on your computer is correct this can cause a few problems with signing in

Windows live messenger dint open?

Oops, sorry, wrong room. I was just looking for the bathroom!

Windows live messenger say unable to sign you in error 80048820 extended error 80048416?

troubleshoot defines IEs offline setting//Can anyone tell me how to fix this/ thank you/ regards

Windows live messenger say unable to sign you in error 80048820 extended error 80048416?windows live messenger

Not exactly sure, when it tells me my IE is offline I hit repair and then it asks me if I want to set IE to online. Also, I had problems with MSN a few weeks ago, I uninstalled it, reinstalled it, had a few people over to try and fix it.It turned out my time and date on the comp wasn't right and that's why I couldn't sign on. Look to see if your time and date is right. If that doesn't work I'm all out of ideas.

Windows live messenger say unable to sign you in error 80048820 extended error 80048416?microsoft money internet explorer

reinstall it!!! it happened to me too

I just logged onto ask the SAME question :O !!!

I need the help too, and re-installing it or restarting your comp does NOT work :S

Windows live messenger keeps disconnetcing?

hi , every 5 minutes on wlm i keep gettn disconnected only when im using my wireless router i know its not connection problems because the internet and downloads still work .. most people ive asked say its because of "zone alarm firewall" i do not own that so obviously not that . its really annoying i cant even talk to my contacts for 5 minutes .. i dont really no alot about stuff like this .. so if yous can keep it simple thanks ! i really want this sorted out

Windows live messenger keeps disconnetcing?microsoft office 2007

have same problem on mine,if you are sharing a computer with anyone,or you are not the administrator then wlm will kick you out because it cannot be a shared file,hope this helps you in your problem,this happens because of too many accounts trying to run the program

Windows Live Messenger screws with my PC. How do I remove it?

In the Control Panels%26gt;Add/Remove Programs, the Change/Remove button doesn't show!

Windows Live Messenger screws with my PC. How do I remove it?windows messenger

try to do a restore first see if you get your change/remove button back if not then and goto Run then type: Msconfig and hit enter you will see a menu of startup items and 2 other start up menus do not mess with the other two only the one that says Startup hunt for the program you do not want to start up and uncheck that box close and reboot then it will show the menu again on restart close that menu and your set.

Windows Live Messenger screws with my PC. How do I remove it?microsoft works internet explorer

Try going to C:\program files\msn... well find where it is installed and try to find uninstall.exe and double click. If you can't find that its somehow been removed and you will need to delete the whole folder instead.

Hope this helps
Yep delete the whole folder!


do u know how you said there was no button to remove rour msn? try clickng where you think theremove button should be. or restart your PC if it it doesn't work you must deleted sumthing by accident
Go to Add Remove Programs. Then click on Add Remove Windows Components. Uncheck the Windows Messanger Box and click OK.
Worse come to worse, try to use this uninstaller instead:

Windows Installer clean up -
go to control panel and click add and remove program's then scroll down to msn massager then click uninstall and follow the prompts.

Windows live messenger virus removal?

i have the on that i randomly send people messages and file containing the virus. I know you are all trying to help, but i have professional anti virus and anti spy ware programs, and i have deleted all the threats and file containing the virus but its not going away dose anybody know away to get rid of it WITHOUT REFORMATTING!

Windows live messenger virus removal?windows updates

have you done some research? not every virus goes away with a scan...

try to log on in safe mode and do the scan from there. if this is not solving the problem, i would make a backup and format.

Windows Live Messenger Voice Clip Problem?

when i try to send a voice clip it says 'Your Voice Clip was not sent because no sound was detected in the recording'.

I don't have a microphone... how do i configure it to record sound from my computer??

(it can work it used to work for me)

Windows Live Messenger Voice Clip Problem?microsoft money

Well this is impossible to do without a mic, so you must have a mic input located somewhere about your PC/Laptop. Sometimes a mic can be built into a monitor, integrated with the webcam or in the body of the laptop. But you need to make sure you know where it is. Although nowadays there are plenty of cheap mics you pickup from most large stores who have an electricals department.

Once thats done, you should be able to run the 'Audio and video setup' wizard in Windows Live Messenger. Just click the menu button (usually that small down-arrow next to the minimize), go to 'Tools' and select 'Audio and video setup'. It will walk you through the process of setting up either video AND audio or one or the other.

Hope that helps.

Windows Live Messenger Voice Clip Problem?windows explorer internet explorer

It can only be done with a mic from a pc.

You say it used to work so have you a webcam?. I t may have a mic built in.

If that is the case you must configure the mic via control panel.

If you have a laptop they have a mic built in also.

Windows live messenger problem i cant see emoticons?

i downloaded like thirty and i can only see like :P and stuff like that plzz help

Windows live messenger problem i cant see emoticons?microsoft windows

dont know but ask some where else u will guaranteed get some answers barely any body answers here. Like joke and riddles is a great place. So this is what your q should look like Come and get get your 10 points and in additional details you should ask your real q

Windows Live Messenger???

Which version is newest and where i can download it???


Windows Live Messenger???microsoft project

Windows live plus

There is the link =]

Windows Live Messenger???microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

go to and click mesenger and download it
i am deafmarie i would like to chat with mike martins how are you doing

what are you doing

my old yahoo changed yahoo is windowslivemessenger marie

i still love you

Windows Live messenger doesnt receive some messages?

From just one of my contacts i dont ssem to receive all messages, wats up with that?How can I fix it?

Windows Live messenger doesnt receive some messages?microsoft publisher

no ,that's stupid, stop to use

Windows live messenger vs yahoo? which is better and why?

I use both and I like them the same. The only one thing which works better on Windows Live Messenger is webcam. On Yahoo Messenger it stops more often.

Windows live messenger vs yahoo? which is better and why?windows media

i think window's live is much has easier options and also it is more colorful and seems boring

Windows live messenger on the xbox 360?

how do you change the email address i have AT the moment to another email adress?

Windows live messenger on the xbox 360?windows media center

u cant, the email u have is linked to your gamertag

Windows live messenger plus problem?

everytime i chat with someone i get a chat log file saved on my computer and its a real nuisance how to i stop it from making that folder?

Windows live messenger plus problem?microsoft works


open MSN




untick the option 'save history'


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cσρчяιg?τ ?2008 к?ν мιтηι¢к

Windows live messenger plus problem?windows mobile internet explorer

Open your main windows live messenger window where a list of the contacts are. Click the arrow next to your name, like where you go to change your name. Go down to options. Click messages and where it says message history and some other stuff in that section untick the box.
where the msg plus icon is, go to "preferences" then look for where it says chat logging, and disable it...

hope this helps...:)
yaz yaz ... answer seems right.. cuz i USED to have windows live messenger plus.. but deleted it by accident and cant get it back? butt yeaa.. try her answer and indeed it will work :)

Windows Live Messenger will not let me see emoticons (default or created) How do I make them show?

I have tried re-downloading, re-booting (it has been occuring for about 2 months now) nothing works... hmm.. any tips?

Windows Live Messenger will not let me see emoticons (default or created) How do I make them show?replacement windows


look under the most popular downloads , read the reviews and you'll see what to do.Yahoo live messenger.

Windows Live Messenger will not let me see emoticons (default or created) How do I make them show?windows mail internet explorer

Are you trying to message a contact who is using yahoo?

Some features of live messenger are automatically disabled while chatting with a contact who is on yahoo.

Windows live messenger 8.0 not allowing me to sign in. What can I do?

Go to msn messenger help page...or Microsoft help page...meanwhile, u can use web messenger.


Windows live messenger 8.0 not allowing me to sign in. What can I do?windows explorer

delete and reload and start again

Windows live messenger 8.0 not allowing me to sign in. What can I do?microsoft zune internet explorer

er.. sue MSN!? =P

Windows live messenger keeps freezin when i sign in .. what can i do to fix it ???

ok so everytime i sign in msn it freezes ... and i have to close it ..... all the time so i cant really go on msn now ... how do i fix it ... i scan my computer n fix all the stuff that needs fixin ... but it still doesnt help plzz help n tell me what i can do to fix this problem thankz

Windows live messenger keeps freezin when i sign in .. what can i do to fix it ???windows media player 10

i dont know maybe u were not connected to the internet

Windows live messenger keeps freezin when i sign in .. what can i do to fix it ???microsoft net internet explorer


try this


control panel

add and remove programmes



when the wizard appears select 'repair'

wait til the wizard finishes

sign in again

check if you installed a skin, scipt, plugin, animated display or sth. recently .. that might be the reason ..

check if you have some kind of virus, (scan your pc) if you are running a p2p (emule, ares) ,these use a lo of bandwidth when runnign full speed, .. (in this case, slow down the p2p and restart the router) ..

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cσρчяιg?τ ?2008 ρ?ιк??

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